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Total Resale: The DYNAMIC Software and Ebook Resale Rights PackageIntroducingTotal Resale
Master Resale Rights and Mini-Websites for Many of the LATEST Ebooks, Software and Marketing Tools!
A Terrific Range of Products to Enjoy for Yourself and Sell to others!
But keep reading - that's just half the story...
Dear Friend,
I'm willing to bet that you wouldn't pay $27 for a copy of 'Autoresponder Magic' -- even if you desperately wanted it this very moment.
Am I right?
After all, that ebook can be downloaded for free on thousands of websites right across the Internet.
The same goes for 'Million Dollar Emails', ''Scientific Advertising', 'Magic Letters' and a whole host of other popular titles.
Now don't get me wrong, those are great ebooks that deserve their huge reputations. But as reseller products they suck! You'd be really lucky to make one sale in a week.
And that's the problem with all the reseller packages on the Internet today. They're full of yesterday's ebooks. Ebooks that nobody's willing to pay for anymore.
Let's be realistic here...
To generate a PROPER INCOME as a reseller, you need to offer the very LATEST and most SOUGHT-AFTER titles. You need to promote products that people are willing and happy to BUY.
Well, now you can!