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85. Things to do in early spring.
When it is early spring, you can expect a lot of dead grass, leaves, debris, and a lot of things on your lawn. You have to clean them, with the use of the rake. Make sure that you get them all out from the lawn, and take them to your compost, so that your lawn would look better, and you can continue caring for it.
86. Aerating your lawn.
It is actually necessary to aerate your lawn at certain parts of the year. In fact, it is best to aerate it on a yearly basis, especially in parts of the lawn that is frequently visited by lots of people in your house. For areas that are not high traffic, aerating them every other year would be good enough.
87. Watering during dry conditions.
Watering heavily even just once a week is a good thing to do during dry season. This is even better to do than sprinkling the lawn with water once a day. This is because, daily sprinkling during hot weather conditions can actually result to shallow roots; and, when that happens, the roots can burn easily.
88. It is not a good idea to water at night.
Some people think that it is better to water at night than on daytime. However, this is actually untrue, since watering at night can encourage the development of fungus. The best time to water is early in the morning, so that you won’t encourage fungus to develop, aside from minimizing water loss due to evaporation.
89. Taking care of crabgrass.
Crabgrass can be a problem in your lawn, which is why it is best if you know to get rid of it. One of the best ways to do it is to make use of pre-emergent herbicide. However, if you want something natural to use, then you should buy corn gluten instead. Crabgrass needs sunlight to grow, which is why it should not be a problem in shaded parts of your lawn.
90. Preventing crabgrass to become a problem again.
One of the best things to do if you had to deal with crabgrass last year, is to prevent it from developing. There are actually fertilizer products available in the market today, which also contain substances to prevent crabgrass. If you can find it in one of the local stores in your area, then make use of it, so that you no longer have to deal with the same problem this year.
91. Proper fertilizer application.
When it comes to applying fertilizer on your lawn, you need to read its full instructions first. Aside from that, you should also remove everything that you are see on the lawn such as toys, debris, and such. Make use of a reliable spreader, so that you can apply the fertilizer evenly.