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78. Planting large trees.
If you want to plant large trees in your garden, you have to make sure that you have enough space for them when they grow. Keep in mind that as trees grow old, their roots would also grow beneath the surface. Thus, you don’t want to plant it near your house, or any kind of structure, since it may cause some problems later on.
79. Your garden is your own territory.
Once you have established your garden, you should consider it as your own private territory. In other words, each person that would set foot unto it would have to ask for your permission first. Aside from that, since it is your creation, which came from your own imagination of what a garden should be, then you should be proud of it and prevent people to criticize it.
80. What your garden should have.
Aside from having plants in your garden, it should also have ample light from the sun. This is because most plants will need the sunlight in order to grow and bare fruits. Aside from sunlight, it should also have enough shade to keep the soil from drying out. More importantly you should also apply your skills unto it, so that you can grow your plants as healthy as possible.
81. Don’t hesitate to change.
Gardeners all around the world are into constant change. In other words, they continue to evolve into something better each day. Thus, if you feel the need to change something, such as your garden’s setup, the plants that you have, and such, then you should not be afraid to do it. Just make sure that the modifications you would apply are practical and sensible, so that you would continue to improve in it.
82. Be careful at all times.
Whether you are watering your plants, or cleaning the surroundings of your garden, care should always be practiced. This is because you would not know whether a broken piece of bottle is around, or even a snake. Always be on alert, to avoid any kind of accidents or injuries to happen.
83. Choosing plants that climb.
Climbers are some of the most useful plants that you can have in your garden. This is because they usually would not take a lot of your space. Aside from that, they can also spice up your fence or make a wall look more interesting. In addition, they are also very easy to take care of.