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72. Maximizing your time at the gym.
If you don’t want to waste too much of your time in the gym, then you should avoid people who talk too much. There are times when you may meet a person or two, who simply do not know when to stop talking. They can actually get you distracted in what you are trying to do if you listen to them. Thus, it is best to avoid them while you are working out; and, if you want to talk to them, only do it once you are done with your routines.
73. Choose the exercise program that would suit your lifestyle.
There is no point if you need to force yourself to get some exercise. It should be something that you can enjoy, as well as fit the kind of lifestyle that you have. Always remember that it is very important that you are able to stick to your workout program; and, you can only do that if the program suits you best.
74. Talking to your officemate.
Due to technological advancements, when you want to talk to a colleague who is a few stations away from you, you may simply need to send an instant message, an email, or pick up the phone. However, since you want to make sure that you increase your physical activities, then you should stand up and approach him. By doing that, you will be able to burn more calories.
75. Doing something after lunch.
After eating lunch at work, instead of playing online games on your computer while waiting for your lunch break to get done, you should step out of the office, and walk around the block. Doing that would provide you time for a quick midday exercise. Walking around the block would not just burn more fats, but also prevent you from getting sleepy once you get back to work.
76. Don’t buy new batteries for the remote control.
If your television’s remote control no longer works for busted batteries, don’t mind purchasing new ones for it. It is actually better if you do not have a remote control around. With that, you will have to stand up and walk towards your TV set in order to change channels or change the volume level.
77. Don’t place your mobile phone beside you at all times.
When you are at home, it is best to have your mobile phone around, but not beside you. Place it a few meters away from you, so that each time someone calls, or if you receive a message, you will have to stand up and walk towards it. After answering the call or sending back a message, place the phone back at its designated place again.