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95. Don’t let poor performance get you down.
You have to keep in mind that your game would constantly evolve. In other words, there would be times when you can score at your best, and there are also instances when you score poorly. Don’t let poor performance get you down. Instead, consider them as challenges, to get back at your feet and make excellent scores again.
96. Don’t think too much.
When you are bowling against a good contender and you can win it by hitting a split or a spare, then you should not think too much of it. Just make a good shot in order to hit a split or a spare. When you think too much, you may become too anxious about it, which can affect your performance.
97. Sleep well.
The night before your bowling game, it is best if you can get enough rest. This is because, getting enough sleep ensures that you have the necessary energy when you play the game. Without sleeping for at least 8 hours, you may have the tendency to become sleepy, which would not do you well.
98. Eat foods that are high in energy.
On the day of your big bowling game, it is best to focus on eating foods that are high in energy. This is because, it is best if you can boost your energy levels when you are playing the game. Aside from preventing fatigue, it would also help you concentrate better.
99. Do not eat too much.
When you are preparing for a bowling game, it is best not to eat a lot of foods. It is actually better to eat more times, but with lesser amounts of food, especially on the day of the game, since it can boost your body’s metabolism. With higher metabolic rates, it ensures that you won’t feel fatigue and you would be sharp.
100. Learn the angles.
If you want to be more consistent in hitting high scores in bowling, then you should learn the different angles. Hitting the pins on certain angles would increase the probability of throwing strikes. Some angles are best for right-handed individuals, while other angles are more for lefties. Learn about these angles, so that you can improve your game.