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If you do not already have a website and thus have no existing products to sell nor complementary products to become an affiliate for, then you will need one to become a successful full-time affiliate. Unlike a website owner merely creating a new revenue stream by becoming an affiliate for a complementary product or service, the full time affiliate is essentially a full-time salesperson. Affiliates need their own websites because they essentially get paid by placing links on as many relevant and useful web pages as possible and then getting people to click on those links—sometimes they are paid when the link itself is clicked or when a person buys a product via an embedded link.
There are a number of web hosting sites and software packages that have website templates and easy-to-use programs that can literally have you up and running in a few hours. Remember, the majority of your potential audience is surfing the web via dial-up so try to avoid the fancy, complicated graphics because they can really slow download time and cause potential customers to become frustrated and leave—possibly to never return!
Aside from a functional platform that will help you promote products, the most important element of any successful affiliate marketing pro is selling useful products in a specific and targeted niche. Some topics, such as those related to health and beauty, are so dense and fiercely competitive that it becomes almost impossible to find something to promote without running into thousands of competitors. Thus, you want to concentrate on finding a niche. In fact, this is known as affiliate niche marketing and this is the surest path to making $700 in a week or less.
Finding the right niche will depend upon the available products, how competitive the market is, and the availability of keywords to help promote the products. But, once you have done your homework and located the perfect niche and 4-5 products to promote, how do you actually make any money?