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After all the hard work of preparing for the interview process and all the hours spent talking with and listening to the potential employees, it is time for the task of choosing the final candidate and letting down all the other candidates as well.
Use the Evaluation Sheets. See which candidates scored highest in the areas that were most important to you and to the future co-workers. Compare all the components of the evaluation, tests and interview.
Look over the responses that each candidate gave to questions during the interview. Consider everything from appearance to final appeal when you are looking at the interview process.
Make a stack of good, better and best candidates. If the applicants don’t fit into one of the categories then go ahead and put them in a pile for “not interested.”
Compare your notes with any that the committee might have. It can help to have more than one voice during this process.
Consider all the information and the position you are currently trying to fill, but also think about the potential of the applicant and the future of the company. It is important that you hire for today but plan for tomorrow.
Choose the final candidate. Notify that person in writing of your desire to offer them a position with the company. If you have agreed in advance to call the candidate then you can choose to notify the person by that method. It is a good idea to still follow up with a letter.
Notify the other candidates that you have chosen someone for the existing position. For those that made it to the good, better and best pile, you might notify them that you will be keeping their resume on file for future openings. For the applicants that didn’t make the cut at all you need to keep your notification plain and simple. “Thank you for taking the time to interview with our company. We have decided to go another way at this time.”