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Being on the keto diet can help you to lose weight. The keto diet forces your body to burn your fat cells instead of glucose. This can help to melt away fat quickly.
However, it can be hard to know what to eat on the diet, especially if you have a busy, active lifestyle. Fortunately, there are many different recipes that can be fixed in under 10 minutes.
Why Keto?
There are many different diet plans out there today. Many of those claims to help you lose weight fast. They will have you eating a lowfat diet that does not help you lose weight.
If you eat a low-fat diet with high carbs, your body is just feeding off of glucose from those high carbs. You are going to feel hungry more often and not be able to lose weight. The keto diet encourages you to eat healthy fats.
Along with a lot of protein, you avoid carbs that get burned out by your body.
The keto diet will cause your body to feed off of all your fat cells. If you are struggling to lose weight, consider trying these recipes and going on the keto diet today.
10 Simple Keto Recipes You Can Make In Under 10 Minutes Below are ten great recipes that should help you be able to fix ketofriendly meals and snacks that not only taste great but will also help you lose weight as well.
Many people have stated that they would love to go on the keto diet, but they do not know where to begin or how to start. Some people worry that they may not be able to adapt this diet to their schedule.
Fortunately, keto can be adapted to anybody's schedule. Keep reading for ten recipes you can fix quickly in under 10 minutes.
1. Salad in a Jar
If you want to make a quick and easy that you can make under 10 minutes, the salad in a jar is a perfect choice. All you will need is your salad ingredients and a jar.
You will want to make sure the stack the ingredients so that your dressing comes out on top and your lettuce does not wilt.
? 1/2 cup leafy greens
? 1 carrot
? 1 avocado
? 1 red bell peppers
? 1 tomato or cherry tomatoes
? 4 oz. of meat
? ¼ cup mayonnaise or olive oil
Grab your jar and add either olive oil or mayonnaise to the bottom of the jar. On top of that, you want to add your 4 ounces of meat. Meat choices could include chicken, beef, or smoked salmon. Then add either cherry tomatoes or chopped tomatoes.
Add in the red bell pepper and avocado. Add in 1 chopped or shredded carrot and then top with ½ cup of leafy greens.
Put the lid on the jar and placed it in the refrigerator until you are ready to eat. These are great to make up for the week to take to work and put in a bowl when you are ready.
The great thing about this recipe is that you can interchange the items. For example, if you do not want to do red peppers, you can always add in a different low-carb vegetable.
You can also interchange the meat and cheese. Just make sure that you are using only low-carb items when creating the salad.
If you eat high carbs, you run the risk of throwing your body out of ketosis.