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When it comes to determining ways and causes of losing weight, we find ourselves learning either from our peer’s experience or advice from the internet. But if you dig deeper into the idea of losing weight, you find yourself seeing various contradicting opinions regarding the ways how weights are loss. Truth is told the results of each weight losing methods vary mainly from our daily meal intake and our body metabolism. So let’s jump into the top 10 myths about losing weight that people believe it to work and what doesn’t.
1. MYTH: Skipping meals helps you to reduce weight
FACT: If a person is not gaining the appropriate amount of protein, carbohydrate and fat, the person will have severe changes to their metabolic rate in their body. Who skips their meals?
To this day people still believe or even consider skipping meals would help them lose weight. Moreover working adults are also prone to skipping meals due to their tight working life. But for those who have taken the steps to skip meals believe that it would help increases their metabolic rates. Generally people who tend to skip meals especially their breakfast or lunch would take a bigger meal intake for their dinner instead and they are disregarding the consequences to their health.
Feeling Hungry? Just go ahead and eat a healthy breakfast to kick-start your day. Image generated from memegenerator.net
The mind-set of skipping meals
A person who desires to lose weight is a long term struggle not only physically but mentally as well. Generally people around us are now focusing on a healthy lifestyle, while the process to physically lose weight requires immense effort and time, but the mental ability to push people to takes the steps is the only aspect that drives them to take measures to lose weight. When it come to people who opted to skip meals are people who are not into understanding the basic needs of nutrition and they are more than willing to go through the risk of skipping meals. Moreover they are in a state of not having the confidence of losing weight through physical effort and instead taking the easier way by not having proper daily meal intake.
Is skipping meals scientifically proven to work?
Based on the medicals research studies from the US National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health, the impacts of reducing meal frequency without caloric restriction on glucose regulation in health will risk changing their metabolic rate. If skipping meals is practiced in a long term basis it could lead to diabetes. With all the negative implications from practicing skipping meals, apparently there were studies showing that skipping meals daily would improve a person’s health. Studies indicated that overweight adults with mild asthma ate average meals daily for 2 months lost an average of 8 percent of their body weight and asthma conditions have gotten better.
Still complicating whether to eat or not to eat? Image from twitter:@alexisleetay
Generally skipping meals have varied results based on who are practicing it, be it from an average working adult or an obese person with asthma related symptoms. Additionally, skipping meals will deprive your body of essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Moreover it will also results in lean muscle loss and causes your boy into starvation state which in turn will slow down your metabolism, and once you stop skipping meals, your body would effectively gain weight twice as fast than the usual person. But when it comes to people who skip meals during the day and having a higher meal intake during the evening would cause harmful effects to the metabolic changes in the body.
Just eat in moderation rather than skipping meals. Image from quotehd.com
2. MYTH: Eating Fatty Food Makes You Fat
FACT: Consuming fatty foods does not make you fat but there consuming it in moderation is suffice to maintain a healthy diet.
Fatty Foods...Yay or Nay?
It would seem sensible to believe that consuming fattening foods makes us fat, but is it really the truth? Honestly because fat enters into our body does not meant it would be absorbed into our body, however long persisting myth does not make much sense. According to nutritionist experts, consuming fatty foods does not actually make you fat. Consuming fatty foods in moderation is essential part of any healthy and balanced diet. Gaining on more weight in the form of fat is a result of energy imbalance development. A person will gain more weight if he/she consumes more calories than he/she burns. Fat is a concentrated source of calories, but it is not essential to remove fat from your diet entirely.
You can still eat your favourite junk/fast foods as long as it is not part of your daily meal though. Image from designcloud.com
Which is healthy fatty foods and which is not?
Whole-food fats such as nuts, seeds, and avocado are satiating which helps you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Even though consuming fatty foods will make you fat, but carbohydrates and proteins will make you fat to a certain extent too. Moreover fatty foods such as coconut oil and fish oil provides variability in weight gain, but weight will increase when consume too much. Fat-laden products such as fast foods and snacks contain calories but a modest amount of consumption may help you feel full and consuming it with healthy foods, such as vegetables would even taste better. Additionally fats also helps with the absorption of certain vitamins and phytonutrients, which are compounds that are commonly found in plants that can help to improve our health.
The more you know. Something that we all could consider when deciding to eat healthy or not healthy. Image from themeapicture.com
Moderation in consuming fatty foods
Overall fatty foods will not cause you to be fat unless you consume too much of it. Products which are fat free usually contain fats and higher sugar levels are something you need to keep an eye out too. Choose monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, found in liquid oils such as canola, safflower, and olive; most nuts; and fish. Most of these fatty foods do not increase blood cholesterol levels and instead reduces the risk cardiovascular diseases. Generally the fats that you need to avoid are saturated fats which can be found mainly in beef and dairy products. Fried fast foods and margarine are fatty products that you should keep away as well as they will severely increase the risk of heart disease.
I guess eating when it comes to eating our favourite food we just have to keep an eye out. Image from static.quoteswave.com
3. MYTH: Eating Carbohydrates Makes You Fat
FACT: Carbohydrates do not make you fat. Generally any meals you consume excessively that your body needs will result to gaining fat. Low-carbohydrates diets such as protein and fat as well as healthy vegetables are very efficient in helping with losing weight. Refined carbohydrates such as processed sugars from syrup and processed grains would lead to high blood sugar and insulin levels due to fact they have empty calories in it. So for those rice eaters out there, rejoice!