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Where does the time go? People talk about minutes passing like hours so why isn't that the case when you're working? Why is that analogy turned upside down where the hours fly by like minutes? Could it be that unseen aliens are fiddling with the cosmic clock somehow? With everyone you know complaining that there's not enough time in the day, perhaps it's not such an outlandish possibility!
One of the most frustrating things for busy people is that there's just not enough time in the day to get everything done. You wake up early full of vim and vigor, looking forward to a busy and productive day. You put in the hours, work diligently, and try to get through your carefully planned schedule as efficiently as you can.
But before you know it, the day's over. You're mentally and physically exhausted and yet, you've only got half of the things on your to-do list done. What are you doing wrong? Do you need to manage your time better? Are you scheduling your day unrealistically? Should you multitask or delegate more? More importantly, why do you feel that your work (that you do manage to get done) just isn’t up to par?
The short answer is that you're not doing anything wrong - at least not intentionally. The problem often lies in one word: distractions. And that word needs to be eliminated from your vocabulary!
Distractions are probably the number one cause of your lack of time - and lack of productivity. A few minutes here, a few minutes there, and suddenly you have distractions building up and eating a huge chunk out of your day and totally derailing your mental clarity.
Distractions don't only waste time but they have an immense impact on your ability to stay focused and get tasks done efficiently and on time. The reason many people don’t understand this is because distractions happen a few minutes at a time, which seems quite harmless. You'd be amazed at how many hours those minutes add up to. Whichever way you look at it, distractions are bad.
Why keep reading?
This book will help you identify and explore 10 common distractions that are massive productivity killers. You'll probably recognize several of them right away (and plead guilty!) Some of the others may come as a surprise because you never realized they were distractions.
After each distraction, you'll get a quick fix to help you overcome it. Once your most common distractions become a thing of the past, you'll notice a surge in your overall productivity, as well as in your ability to focus and function with amazing mental clarity. Yes, it's that simple! So, let's jump right in!
10 Productivity-Killing Distractions
These 10 distractions aren't in order of worst to least productivity killers. This is because, for one person, a given distraction can be worse than another.
Additionally, these distractions may change from day to day, with a certain one being worse on a particular day. The bottom line is that you'll recognize several – or even all of them – as the culprits for your low productivity and lack of time.
These are the most common distractions that cause seriously low productivity and very poor work outcomes.
Social media
I know I said that these distractions are in no particular order – with this one exception. Social media distraction just has to top the list! It's possibly the biggest simply because of the sheer number of people affected by it - and by the amount of time it wastes.
What is it about social media that's so addictive? It's the number one digital addiction in the world, followed by gaming. Naturally, there are lots of theories about why people get hooked on social media but that's another discussion altogether.
Here's a typical scenario: you're busy doing something when you get a Facebook notification. Your best friend has just posted a photo. You really know you shouldn't but she always posts such amazing photos and you're dying to see it.