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Let’s get one thing clear. For the most part, selling gigs on Fiverr means you trade your time and effort for money. A lot of people have no reservations about this. Most people don’t have a problem doing this.
If you think about it hard enough, this is a problem. How come? First of all, there are only so many hours in a day. Also, there’s only one of you. If you are not careful, you might end offering services that everybody can pretty much do.
What do you think happens in that situation? That’s right. The price keeps dropping. The customers that you get expect a lot more for the $5 that they are willing to pay. In fact, a lot of people, believe it or not, expect a Ferrari while paying only the price of a beat up Toyota. It’s crazy!
It gets old quickly and it’s no surprise that a lot of people who offer gigs on Fiverr end up quitting. It’s only a matter of time. Even if you make decent money by doing volume work, you get burnt out quickly. This is not a surprise. In fact, it’s completely predictable.
The good news is there are at least 5 ways you can make real money from Fiverr without trading your time for money. Here are brief overviews of these 5 different methods.
Resell the services of others
If you have access to buyers of analytical work, Wordpress, theme installations or writing for SEO and other purposes, you may want to try reselling the services of people who provide these types of work. You save time and money. You’re just the middle man.
Basically, you find buyers and you charge them a lot more money than what you’re paying Fiverr service providers. Sounds awesome, right? Here’s the drawback. You can’t use this buy low and sell high strategy for certain types of services.
For instance, Fiverr does automatically watermarks drafts of graphics works. If somebody’s doing a logo for you and they send in a draft, when you download that draft, it will say “Fiverr” right in the middle. Fiverr does this because in the past, people would resell graphics services to their clients.
Their clients would ask for revision after revision then after all this process and waste of time, the customer demands a refund. Everybody loses. Fiverr caught wind of this and effectively discourages graphic work reselling.
Also, this watermarking system prevents customers on Fiverr itself from ripping off service providers. As long as you can find buyers, there’s a wide range of services you can resell.
Just make sure that you’re not going to run a file of the watermark system.
Bundle services and sell newly build online assets
Believe it or not, there are quite a number of people who would buy websites that do not contain anything. These are website shells also called turnkey or starter sites. These websites generally either have very little content or have only “starter content” or absolutely no content.
All of these are in demand as turnkey websites. The idea is for somebody to buy them and just pump traffic to them and make money off the ads or their mailing list. The reason why people buy this type of asset is because they simply do not have the time or expertise to create a new website from scratch.
When you place orders with different Fiverr service providers for website development or Wordpress installation, you tap into different sources of talents of the different sources that you need to put together a turnkey website.
You then spend very little money putting together this turnkey website and then you sell it right after you have put in enough content, or in many cases, no content at all. This is actually quite lucrative if you know where to sell.
If you want to figure out the secret of how to make money off Fiverr using this technique, click here.
Bundle services and sell sites with traffic
This technique basically builds on the previous technique. You contact many different cheap service providers to develop a turnkey site. You got somebody to design the banners and the headers. You get somebody to install the Wordpress theme. You get another person to write the content. You get another person to modify the theme.
You then put everything together and you stock it with content. There are plenty of writers and video producers and audio developers on Fiverr. If you’re looking for content, Fiverr is the place to go. This is especially true if you’re looking for affordable custom content.
Once you have stocked your turnkey site with content, the next step is to go to the traffic providers on Fiverr and hire them to work their magic. All told, expect to spend less that $200 to $300 on this project. If everything goes well and your turnkey website actually generates a little bit of cash, you can flip that website to sell for possibly hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
It all, of course, depends on your niche, target audience as well as the overall quality, traffic volume and conversion ability of the turnkey asset you have built. If you want a blueprint on how to do this right so as to actually make a profit, click here.
- License: Master Resell Rights
- Category:Ebooks
- Tags:2021 Ebooks With Audio Master Resale Rights