Do you feel as though your business is out of control and that you're always relying on someone to help you?...
“Grab Your NEW Online Business By The Wheel And Steer It In The Right Direction Without Ever Getting Yourself Stuck On The Basic Tasks Again!”
...Watch over my shoulder as I show you how to accomplish basic marketer & webmaster tasks so you'll NEVER need to rely on someone else again!
If you want your own dot com website, your own PDF and video products, your own auto-responder, and even your own Warrior Special Offers... but have serious difficulty getting started and knowing where to go and who to turn to then look no further!
Unless you FINALLY learn these skills that I'm about to show you, you'll NEVER get your business off the ground - unless you're made of money and have VERY deep pockets to have someone help you out.
Unfortunately, not everyone has deep pockets and that's probably the main reasons why you came online to start a business in the first place! :)
Besides... You can't depend on hiring someone to do all the work for you all the time because you're always putting your business in someone elses's hands. If they don't feel like doing something, your business is at a halt. If they do a job sloppily, then you're at fault. If they didn't set something up right because they're lazy (knowing that it's not their business) then you get the blame from your customers (and refund requests if it gets bad!)
At Some Point Or Another, You're Going To Have To Learn Some Basic Technical Skills... It's Really Not That Hard!